3 Reasons To Take CPP At Age 60
It’s generally not wise to voluntarily take up to a 36% reduction in income, especially if that income is paid for life. But that’s exactly what happens when retirees choose to take CPP at age 60.
I’m a big proponent of delaying CPP up to age 70 to help protect against longevity risk and enhance your monthly pension benefit in retirement. Only a small percentage of retirees do so, however, as many prefer to take CPP as soon as they’re eligible.
Why Take CPP at Age 60?
Taking CPP early may not be the most optimal financial decision but there are a few cases where it can make sense. Here are three reasons to take CPP at age 60:
1). You Need to Eat and Pay the Bills
Maybe you were laid off in the latter stages of your career and struggled to return to the workforce, or you had to retire early due to poor physical health. Whatever the case, you’re about to turn 60 and need to build an income stream.
Simply put, without sufficient income or personal savings to carry you through your 60s you may have no choice but to take CPP as early as possible.
The earliest you can take your CPP benefits is one month after your 60th birthday. Doing so means a 36% permanent reduction in your monthly benefit, but that’s still money in your pocket today.
The maximum payment amount for taking CPP at age 65 is $17,196 per year (2025). That amount would be reduced to $11,005.44 per year if you elect to take CPP at 60.
Taking that income of $11,000 at age 60 could mean the difference between meeting your retirement income goals or not, and that needs to be weighed against having to wait five years for an extra $6,200 (or so) a year.
Finally, if you’re sure that you will be eligible for the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) once you reach 65, it’s generally a good idea to take CPP at age 60.
2). You Have a Reduced Life Expectancy
The biggest mystery in retirement planning is that we don’t know how long our money needs to last because we don’t know when we’ll die.
By age 60 you may have some idea. Whether it’s genetics, poor health, or the results from your 23andMe test, if you have any reason to suspect a shortened life expectancy then taking CPP at 60 can make good financial sense.
Understand your breakeven point for taking CPP early. For instance, you’ll be ahead financially if you take CPP at age 60 and don’t live past age 69. If you make it to 85, then the optimal age to take CPP is 69.
For context, a 60-year-old Canadian, on average, can expect to live another 25 years. So if you’re playing the averages then it’s best to delay CPP.
Lastly, if you’re thinking about taking CPP early because of poor health, you should apply for a CPP disability pension instead. If approved, the CPP disability amount will always be higher than a retirement pension and it will convert to a full retirement pension at 65.
3.) You Have No Contributions from age 55 to 60
Did you retire at age 55? Or maybe leave your career as a salaried employee to start a business in your fifties? Business owners can choose to pay themselves dividends rather than a salary, and therefore would not have to make CPP contributions. How do those years of zero contributions affect your CPP retirement benefit?
Related: When Should Early Retirees Take CPP?
When you take CPP at 60, your benefits are based on your best 35 years of earnings, rather than your best 39 years of earnings if you were to take it at 65. Depending on your earnings from age 18 to 54, your CPP payments might still be close to the maximum if you take it at age 60, but it will definitely be reduced if you wait until age 65.
Two reasons not to take CPP at age 60
Forget the notion of taking CPP early and investing. This idea, likely brought to you by your friendly neighbourhood financial sales person advisor, sounds compelling in theory but can be a disaster in practice.
Remember, the CPP is taxable income so you won’t be able to invest the full amount unless it’s in an RRSP. Then take investment fees into account and consider how much will you need to earn to beat the guaranteed 7.2% return that comes with delaying CPP by a year?
No, it’s better to defer and receive a larger pension that’s guaranteed and inflation protected for life.
Finally, if you’re concerned about whether CPP will be around when it’s time to collect, or whether the government of the day will raid the fund to pay its debts, let’s put that idea to rest.
The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) is independent of the CPP and run at arms length of federal and provincial governments. The fund has been audited by an independent actuary and found to be sustainable for at least the next 75 years (using conservative projections).
CPP will be there for you in retirement. The question is when do you plan to collect your benefits?
Great post Robb. I am right in the target age decision zone, and my personal scenario crosses the situations you outline. Some good food for thought and insights in this post.
“Semi-retired” at 56, turning 57 soon. Thing is I have no idea what my life at age 60 will look like. I would imagine though that I will still be in a lower to modest income stage, and I’ll likely take early CPP.
Also there’s that value of money (and the experiences it will bring) with respect to age. I’d like those experiences with family and friends while I am still hopefully healthy.
Thanks again for the additional input.
I am currently getting 2000
00 a month on WSIB. IF I don’t qualify for CAN Pension Disability should I take my CPP early at 60 or hold off till 65. My rent is subsided.
Depends how much longer will you be collecting worker’s comp? Consider how much increased income will effect your rent subsidy. Can take awhile to get approved for cpp disabity and could be declined. Timing is everything.
Very informative and easy read to understand. Thank you.
Sounds like you already know the system.
great article. Excellent comments!
I’m thinking the same
And same age
Want to have holidays etc
Seen relatives with money in their seventies
Do nothing with it
Hi! In my case, I receive a survivors pension. My pension plus his would place me at the maxium by the age of 62 as they combine both only up to the max. So if someone has lost their spouse they should look into when this amount will be reached.
I need more info about reductions to Cpp because of not contributing after age 55.
Thank you Christine. Definitely not the answer I received from Service Canada. I will definitely look into it further.
Hi Sandy,
CPP with a survivors pension can be very complex. I’d recommend that you get some very good advice before you elect to take your own pension.
Be warned that you are unlikely to get that good advice from Service Canada. I have seen the information that they have sent people and it is definitely not enough to give them guidance on when they should take their pension.
The maximum combined CPP and Survivors Pension is based on when you take your own pension. Currently the maximum that a person can receive at 65 is $1154.58. This is also the maximum a person could receive as a combined CPP and Survivor rate. If the same person decided to take their CPP at 60 the maximum they could receive combined would be $738.93 but if they waited till age 70 they would receive $1,639.50.
While most people who wait until 70 to take CPP receive nothing until that point, people receiving a Survivors Pension will get that smaller pension (which will increase at the survivors age 65) right up to age 70 and then they can start to receive the maximum benefit available.
If you are thinking of taking your own CPP at 62, I would definitely revisit your decision.
Christine Williston, In most cases the recalculation of Survivor Benefit (while not taking your own CPP) results in a DECREASE at age 65, but if the deceased was nearly a maximum contributor, there can be a small increase.
Nevertheless, your advice to get a proper calculation is very wise.
Doug Runchey is a kind and generous blogger who will, for a small fee, do your scenario calculations for you.
Thanks David D – good to know.
In the limited number of cases I’ve dealt with I’ve only seen it increase – but this may reflect the types of client I tend to work with.
When I come across people with survivors pensions who are wondering about collecting their own CPP, I send them to Doug.
Having DR Pensions give you an actual answer to a very complex question could very well be the BEST MONEY YOU EVER SPENT!
Thank you so much for taking the time to explain how this works. Definitely not the answer I received from Service Canada. Sorry, just came upon this now.
That information helps me incredibly as I just started survivors pension and was wondering same thing. Thanks so much explaining and with figures to compare
I was also receiving a survivors benefit and decided to take my CPP at age 60. My monthly benefit at age 60 is $1190 per month with the survivors benefit included in that. If I waited till I was 65 I would have got $1364 per month (2024 max) and would have lost the survivors portion at that point because my own contribution would have paid me the max. If you’re getting a survivors pension it may be in your best interest to take your pension at age 60. My break even point is something like age 86 or 87.
What you said is Simply not true, at age 60 you would get a 36% reduction on your own pension and a reduction on your survivors benefit but they would be added together and can’t exceed what you would get personally at age 65. I know this because I just took my CPP with survivors benefit at age 60. I was getting 425 per month survivors and now that I took my pension at 60 that was reduced to approx $317 plus my allowed max at age 60 which in July of 2024 is approx 873. I’m now getting $1190 per month at age 60 and will do so for the rest of my life plus COLA.
I am on provincial social assistance. I recently turned 60, and now the government is forcing me to look at taking CPP (early retirement). What do I do?
I was a welfare worker in Ontario and I know they will try to get you to take CPP but they will deduct the total amount from your benefits. They cannot force you to do this. It is not advisable to take CPP until you are no longer eligible for welfare/disability–at 65.
I was in the same boat and made perfect sense for me to take it at 60
I got LTD from work they were paying me 1400 a month. They made me apply for CPP then when approved they took my 10000 that CPP gave me plus deducted 700 from my LTD check because CPP gave me 700. This happened in 2110 when I was 50 now 63 looking to retire at age 65 as my LTD runs out. What’s going to happen to me
Totally agree, that is why it took mine at 60
I took early CPP at 61 because I was receiving survivor benefit from my late wife that put me at the maximum benefit despite the discount for early CPP. What CRA did not tell me at the time is that my survivor benefit would terminate when I reached 65. I found out just after my 65th birthday when my benefit cheque came up short. So despite having paid into the plan at maximum level for both time frame and contribution rate I have been receiving the deeply discounted benefit since turning 65. It was a clever trick by whoever I spoke to at CPP before deciding to take the early benefit which I didn’t actually need to take when I did. When I confronted CPP about this I was told “…too bad” and there was nothing they would do about it.
My experience exactly.
That’s the boat I’m in.., have the survivors pension
I’m in Canada disability… but with my health I’m
Not sure there is any point in waiting until I’m 65
To collect.. lol
I think your point #3 is the same no matter when you had years of zero contribution. However, when I’ve worked out the numbers, it’s usually still better to delay CPP if you’ve had several zero-contribution years, even if it means somewhat of a reduction in benefits. In some cases, what tips the scale is that before you take CPP, it rises with the average industrial wage, which is usually a little faster than inflation. So, taking CPP early leads to a more than 36% reduction.
I am on ODSP and 57. I make just over $1100 per month and want to know if I can get OAS and a supplement, or am I stuck on ODSP until I turn 60, as it’s tough just floating my head above water now. I am single, so can I get both to get myself better with oas and the supplement or am I stuck until then?
Hi Pierre
OAS and GIS are not payable till you are 65
You should check with ODSP about collecting CPP at 60. I think they may deduct it from your monthly ODSP check and you’d be no further ahead.
ODSP you can have a small income, just have to fill out the paper on it, anyone on ODSP would benefit from grabbing whate
Don’t confuse income with earnings. ODSP allows a small amount of earnings (from employment) but will deduct income dollar for dollar.
Go ahead and collect at 60 ,just call your ODSP support agent and declare the CPP as income, since you are allowed to earn a small income
Please look at my comment above. ODSP will allow earnings but will deduct other income like CPP dollar for dollar.
Pensions.. are not earning an income according to ODSP… they are deducted dollar for dollar!!
I receive both the widow pension and Canada disability pension.. both are deducted dollar for dollar.. from ODSP.. I receive a couple hundred each month and my medical!!
Is there a risk calculation for a couple where both have contributed near 40 years to CPP? One a few years more, and one a few years less. That can’t be too uncommon anymore. We’re approaching the 65 mark, haven’t taken CPP, but when one dies (no chronic illness at this time) those forced savings default to the GoC. There is no survivor benefit for those that draw a single full CPP. Otherwise, we are financially secure, where we had hoped to be at this time.
Michael James. Your insight into the rate of increase for CPP is news to me. Thank you.
I’m single and will be 60 next year. For the past 10 years I’ve been looking unsuccessfully for a full time job but it’s really hard for older people to find work. I have to take whatever comes along for some income, which is usually maternity leave coverage or other shorter term contracts. I had a really good job for a year’s contract. They asked me to stay another 6 months, and I would have stayed forever if they’d asked me, but unfortunately their restructuring was complete and the work was drying up. Again I’m on EI while looking for work. My CPP benefits at age 60 will be $375/month but that could be the difference between eating and rent. If I happen to find a job I could see delaying it, and if I wait till 65 CPP will be $200/month more. I’m pretty sure I will qualify for GIS. Every little bit helps! I do have savings and monthly dividend income which I’m not sure will push me out of the GIS qualification.
My layman’s 2 cents: Take it at 60. At 65 you will qualify, including CPP + OAS, for a monthly payment of approx. $ 1600 per month. Make sure your savings and possibly the source of dividends are in Tax Free savings accounts, that way they don’t count in the GIC calculation. Mind you the dividends may reduce your payment. I think $1 for every $ 2 earned/dividend.
I would like to part time retire how many hours can I work without it effecting my CPP?
I am 63. I am a full time employee with a good salary. I took my CPP at age 60.
Your CPP will not be affected if you still work. I took my CPP early because the amount of money to be made up from age 65 cpp amount will take time to catch up to what I have already made. Spend it while you can. You can’t take it with you if you go bye bye.
My concern is if my spouse who has worked for 40 years dies before he applies for cpp. Will I get a portion of what would have been his cpp pension. Or as people have told me if he hasn’t applied and receiving I would get nothing. Thanks
If your husband passes you would contact service canada and they will process your widows pension. The amount depends on how much he paid into and your age. You would receive approximately 60% of his.
Incorrect Rose, unless the husband has started to collect his own cpp, there is only a $2500 lump sum survivor benefit Payable!
Sandy that would only be correct IF the surviving partner was already eligible for max CPP which is unlikely as few people do. You don’t have to be collecting for the other person to be eligible for some survivor benefit. If I die at 58, my wife will still receive some of my CPP. The maximum anyone can receive is one full regular or disability CPP.
Incorrect. she will get a death benefit up to 2500 plus widow’s pension. Approx 60%
My friend husband passed, and she is colleting the survival benefits and the also extra for child under the age. Of course, also got $2,500 death benefits
I just took my C.P.P. last month which is $855.24 per month. My wife and I retired as she is 2 years younger than me and can’t get early C.P.P. yet.
We were taught at a young age to have good work ethic and save, keep saving. This helped over the years as we have spousal and regular RRSP’s balance of $800,000. The interest rates are not bad 3.2% to 3.65% for 7 and 10 years at our credit unions.
We have other laddered GIC’s from non-registered accounts in $10,000 amounts 1-6 years as well. All this brings in $38,000 a year but we easily live off of $20,000 a year. This extra $18,000 a year will tie us over and increase our savings until my wife gets her early C.P.P. which is $767.34 a month in 2 years.
The biggest factor I would say that help us besides saving and compound interest, tax refunds from RRSP’s is us being debt free since 1999. Avoiding the temptation buying now and paying later with paying interest for the rest of your lives is a huge impact why Canadians have much less to not much savings. This is a good article about early C.P.P. which many Canadians may not even know exists.
RRSP’s of $800,000 it will take you 16 years by withdrawing $50,000 per year. Better get going withdrawing money and enjoying life
My cpp at 60 is $750/month or $9000/yr and so $45,000 in 5 years. If I wait until age 65 my cpp would increase 36% or $3240 per year but I would leave the $45000 behind. The cross-over in years is 45000 ÷ 3240 = 13.9 years. So I would be 65 + 13.9 = about 79 years old.
Did I do that right?
Hi Phil,
For you to get 9000 at 60 after giving up 36%, at age 65 you should be getting 14,062.5 (36% of 14.062.5 = 5062.5). So your estimate at age 60 or 65 is off.
Then 45,000 ÷ 5062.5= 8.88 years.
Still, you have to look at your total income. After age 65, what you might lose from CPP, you MIGHT get it from GIS.
Did you take your cpp at 60 or 65?
For me and my wife, our CPP is icing on the cake. We’ll be taking it at age 60 to help fund our extensive travel plans, instead of using savings/investments of the same amount. Using conservative estimates our crossover point is around age 84. Meaning that in every year between age 60 and 84 we expect to be better off starting CCP at 60 vs any time later. That’s up to 24 years better off vs probably no more than 5 to 10 years better off if we start CPP it at age 65.
Bob Lin, I would seriously reconsider your decision.
The crossover point is much lower than 84 (not sure who told you that, but it depends on the individual and your lifetime contributions).
Very likely, the best financial outcome for your situation would be for you both to delay CPP until 70 and draw down your taxable accounts in the meantime (RRSPs/LIRAs/etc.). This is something that most commission-based advisors (i.e. salespeople) will not recommend you do, but it allows you to withdraw these monies at a lower tax rate (because you don’t have CPP or OAS adding to taxable income).
Delaying also helps with estate tax planning (less in taxable accounts).
If you have health issues and a reduced life expectancy, as Robb pointed out, that is a different matter, but otherwise, do the research, run all the numbers (or get advice from a non-commissioned/no sales/advice-only/fee-only/fiduciary financial advisor.
Good luck.
the crossover point should be age 74. Using the numbers provided, one is getting $5000 less (taking CPP at 60) but for 5 more years. That’s $45000. If taking at 65 you get $5000 more per year but will then take 9 years to make up that $45000. This has been the simple calculation I’ve observed (unless I am making some error) since I was in my 20’s. I plan to retire from my FT job at 52, collect $40 k in company pension and take CPP at 60. I will have many years of non-contribution to CPP hence much better to have the accrual based on the lower contributory period. Plus CPP and company pension CPI increases are stabl and secure and MUCH better than actual wage increase. Retire early and live life, stop saving money for your funeral !!
@Mike Abraham:
“the crossover point should be age 74”
Regardless of when you intend starting your CPP, I think it would be worth looking at the crossover point again. If you will have to draw from investments between age 60 and when you commence CPP, then you should include in your calculations the lost gains on your investments (even if that’s just 3% on GICs), and don’t forget that the gains or income from those investments will continue even after you start your CPP. You will find that the crossover point moves further into the future as your expected returns increase. This more comprehensive analysis MAY have some bearing on the decision you ultimately make.
Re: Bob Lin and other situations for “cross over” or break even. It’s a bit more complicated. While the basic concepts are covered, your tax bracket can be a big factor, as can your investment opportunities. I am approaching the magic ’60’ and have built my own model. If you are in a max tax bracket at 60 and it might be lower when you receive CPP, you may be better off waiting. If you have other investment income, this also factors in to the after-tax calculation. A model that takes into account your tax bracket after triggering CPP and your other needs (ie will you use the money or invest it, CPP index projections, investment options to generate income from early CPP (after tax), etc in a full model). That said, for the average person, 75’ish is probably a good cross-over estimate.
As a final comment, I built a really complex model that takes all the details into account, BUT you can never fully account for job loss, market ‘melt downs’, death of yourself or a loved one, etc. So at the end of the day, do what will enrich your life and really matters to you – don’t get too caught up in the details…. :-).
Two of my dad’s friends worked hard, saved lots … but died early.
One died one-year after retirement the other 5 years, unexpectedly.
I’ve always said I’d retire early, around 55. I didn’t know how, but I always felt I would.
I retired at 56 (I’m now 58), with no RRSPs, investments or anything. But my back has had enough of 23 years of lifting and pushing and I was given an opportunity by my fiance to retire early. I knew nothing about CPP in relation to early/late retirement. I collect nothing at the moment as he is able to help me financially maintain my home (along with his).
My family, surprisingly, supported my decision cause they know all too well when you die you can’t take it with you. Life is short etc., etc.
My fiance, on the other hand, is planning to work forever, lol, cause he loves what he does (as a research scientist), so he’ll be able to support me until his death and/or when the government tells me it’s time I should be using my retirement/pension money from work ($100k+), and this CPP. Either way, I don’t want or require much.
The point is, regardless of how healthy one might be, the length of time on Earth is not guaranteed.
You can enjoy life without a ton of money. I was doing it before I met him…
I don’t agree. What if you take them (say husband and wife) at 70 years of age and BOOM you both die one after the other. That money is down the tube. SO TAKE IT AT 60!!!!1 JUST DO IT.. Like person said in here, it’s ICING on the cake but for SOME IT’S THE WHOLE CAKE! 🙂
agree – I’ve seen so many people die right after they retire. Healthy people, friends who jogged daily and ate well. If you can afford to take it early, I say take it early and enjoy your younger years. At 80, not many people are travelling and living large. Most are napping A LOT in front of a tv and then eating their soup (cause their kidneys, liver, high blood pressure and diabetes won’t let them eat much of anything with carbs, sugar, salt or fat). The healthy, vibrant, energetic person at 80 is the exception, not the rule…if people make it to 80 in the first place. No guarantees. Ditto 74. Carpe Diem! My uncle had millions saved in retirement income. Didn’t have the energy to do anything at 75! lol Ended up in a home and they ate away $100K/year for 12 years.
Wish I had had the advice you offer, Steve, when I turned 60. I was advised to take CPP at 60 and not withdraw RRSP investments. “They,” my advisor/salesperson said I would be at my lowest income after 65. I knew that would not be the case. I had told my financial advisor when my spouse died at 56 and I was 55 and ill but not fitting CPP Disability parameters, that I would never have less income than the next 5 years, 10 if I did not take my CPP until I was 65. My investment “salesperson” disagreed and I lost BECAUSE I TRUSTED HIM.
At 65 my advisor was rushing me to withdraw RRSP $ and did not advise me about the income clawback amount for OAS. I learned quickly.
Plus never ever trust anyone you talk to at CPP/OAS. Their ignorance of facts and arrogance in attitude is deplorable.
My husband’s pension was in an RRSP and was rolled into mine as a death benefit all taxable income for me when withdrawn. Had he lived our joint taxes would have been similar to what I pay as a widow. I have done the math. But, together we would have his CPP and OAS. My CPP Survivors Benefit was reduced when I turned 60 because I collected my CPP and when I turned 65 and began OAS. While CPP is at arm’s length from the government and well invested, the government does control what you can have from the plan that your spouse and his employer contributed to, in lieu of salary and under Canadian law. He thought “His CPP money” would be mine, at least 60%, but no – only what the government thinks I should have.
I have been told that my GIS will arrive automatically. i find that hard to believe. Where and when do I apply for that. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
oops, I had a typo in my comment. |It would be $9000 for the first 5 years at age 60, then $5000 more per year at 65. The $45000 differential is correct still and crossover should be age 74.
Hi Tony, You apply for GIC on the same form that you submit when you apply for OAS.
There is a question ” do you want to apply for GIC’ ? You will have to sign that you agree that they check your income tax each year with Rev. Canada.
Note: You also have to file income tax each year.
You check a box to be considered for GIS when you apply for the OAS.
Hi Robb.
Your sarcasm about the sales person (crossed out, followed by advisor misses the point. Why confuse the issue.
An advisor would confirm the very points you make through a thoughtful conversation.
Sounds kind of seld-righteous and paints all advisors with a brush which is all too common I’m the media today. Toi can do better here.
For the raft, you do bring some very good points.
As an advisor, I take great pains to get to know my clients and to help them better understand their situation and options.
A sales person pushes a biased opinion. A financial advisor confirms the situations and desires goals , the educated and makes a recommendation with the possible outcomes clearly stated.
All the best!
Didn’t know that when you take CPP at age 60 it is based on your best 35 years of earnings rather than 39.
What if you take CPP between 60 & 65, such as at 61 or 62?
yup – that is key….reducing your contributory amortization period. For those of us who stop contributing to CPP at age 55 or earlier, it is often better to take the benefit at 60 due to the reduced contribution period used in the benefit calculation. Same applies to any age between 60-65…just interpolate the values.
People that at 60 or over that can be eligible for C.P.P. benefits should be voluntarily given a choice of taking the pension or getting it’s lump sum value.
For example, my cousin is a CA and he has been contributing for 45 years at top, maximum pay. He figured out that his C.P.P. is worth about $213,644.26. If this is actually true, early C.P.P. maximum is only $738 a month. Yes, there is an actual annual increase of 1.6%, 2% etc. but even in conservative GIC’s such as 3.3% 10 year at Westoba interest is $7,050 or $588 a month. For only a loss of $150 a month, Canadian government/CPP gets to keep $213,644.26.
If a C.P.P. eligible benefit person does not need that money to live on having more than enough other financial resources and can actually compound that for 10 years and take it out at 70 years old, it would be worth $295,593.20 and at 3.3% annual interest get $9,754.57 or $812.88 a month and keep the almost $296,000 capital or principal.
If C.P.P. were to give a 2.0% annual increase for 10 years, it would be $917.41 per month which is only $104.53 compared to $812.88 per month more but have no capital of almost $296,000 at the same age of 70. I just want to emphasize this should be voluntary and people should make their own choice. I think people should know that this all or nothing choice by C.P.P. may not be the best choice for all Canadians. I have a feeling that many people did not think about this with C.P.P.
Ya then what happens when the guy taking the lump sum blows it all and has to live another 20 years??? Welfare? Crime? Back to find a job at 75 years old? The purpose of cpp is forced savings to pay a pension for life so as not to put undue strain on public resources.
I agree. It’s pretty much mandatory insurance, not a pension. Whatever we put in, we should get out plus the interest. Why not a mandatory LIRA instead?
This is a great article to inform people that C.P.P. has to be very carefully considering of when it makes sense to take it. We are much better off than most Canadians as we have $1.32 million RRIF that will last us decades. We are in our mid 60’s.
The income from our RRIF pays all our expenses, taxes, cost of living and we still are able to save $2,500 a month to put towards our TFSA’s and non-registered ETF’s, index funds, GIC’s, REIT’s etc.
We will for sure take our C.P.P at age 70 unless something drastic happens in our lives.
It sounds like you’ve made good decisions all through life.
But there’s an old joke about a skinny person showing up at a weight watchers meeting 🙂
Funny and well put
I am going to have to take my C.P.P. at 60 or just after 60. The reason is I could never own a house because I could never afford it.
I could not save alot but I tired my best every week from 1980 when I got my first job at $8.35 an hour 39 years ago. The good news I have $400,000 in RRSP’s and $75,000 in TFSA’s and reach 60 in 4 months. The bad news I will be moving to a cheaper place to save rent paying $500 less a month in Nova Scotia.
The early C.P.P. of $702.44 a month will help me alot as a single gal.
Congrats Cindy for your planning. I have some acquaintances in your situation and decided to “retire” early and use up their nest egg well before 60 and then rely on CPP, OAS, GIS etc to live. Deciding to maximise their draw from the government. Not something I support. I read in Australia a game is to withdraw your money from the national plan and then be “poor” and get the maximum assistance possible. Loopholes that get exploited and shouldn’t be.
I will not be delaying my CPP to 70 as my wife and will be receiving Max CPP at age 65. There has been a lot of talk about deferring to 70. How would you feel about depleting your Rifs, then the day after you take CPP your wife dies, That inflated Cpp for delaying is gone and so is OAS. That $2000 a month you were counting on. No one knows your end date . CPP main focus is to keep the plan sustainable not necessarily keep you happy in retirement.
Fred, you’ve minimized tax and made the best decision based on the information at hand (i.e. expecting to live until a normal age).
What if your wife doesn’t die the day after she turns 70? Then you’ve made a decision that impacts your income (and gives you less money) the rest of your life.
Make your decision based on the most likely scenario (and also based on your individual situation. If you meet Robb’s points of #1 and #2 above then that is a different situation).
Good luck.
Hi Steve
Your decision when to take CPP is not so simple to simply to say that most people should delay CPP to age 70 when half the population will not reach the age 80. I do not like those odds. Depending at what tax bracket you are in could dictate how much to remove from my RIF annually to keep in the lowest tax bracket.
Plus the reality is that for the few extra $$$ you get later in life, you could be enjoying $$ right now. Why some people ant to die with a million $ in the bank is beyond me !!
I agree. ! I am going to be 62 next month and have considered early retirement. Some people say don’t and others say do. I have a musical pension plan that wants to buy me out. I’m 22,000 dollars in debt which acccounts for 575. Of my income now. I want to take the payment so I can clear any debt. It will still leave me with a pension of 2400. Which I think is pretty decent. My health is not the greatest and I would be surprised if I were to live past 70. But for five of those years I will still be able to eat and have a roof over my head . That’s about it. But what more will I need. ?i want to live my life now. Enjoy it. Paying my debts would actually free me to have a bit of fun in this life as I would only drop 200 until I’m 65 then a decrease due to taking the bridge early. I struggling to not feel like a failure if I take it early. It will pay debts . Get some things needed and leave 10,000 savings which is not much left but I would lock it in.
I am 66 but started my CPP at 62. I have a long life expectancy.
My only regret is not taking it at 60. If you do a lot of number crunching it is hard not to go this route. Any lesser income later on is easily made up by the increase in your investments early on. At best, waiting is a wash.
What tips the scales in favour of early withdrawal is the fact that you are going to burn money with your retirement goals in your 60s. Get the extra income when you actually need it.
there is one other scenario for taking CPP early – and that’s for the many of us Americans up here. If you are eligible for Social Security, they will deduct half your CPP benefit from your SS payment. They call it the “Windfall Elimination Provision”, though where the windfall is to be found, after working a full career on both sides of the border, beats me. So if your CPP is as small as possible, and you delay SS payments until 70 so they are as large as possible, the clawback is minimized and overall payments maximized.
Yes, this is a bit obscure, but there are a lot of people in this situation that don’t know about the WEP.
Hi Nancy, was most of your earning in the States. I am trying to figure all this out. I worker 11 years in the States and they rest here in Canada. I was thinking the other way around to take the Social Security payment early at 62, work until 65 in Canada and take my CPP at 70. So hard to figure out!!
I worked 10 years in the US before moving to Canada. Precisely 40 quarters as it happens, which is the minimum amount to qualify for Social Security. (Sheer dumb luck, I wasn’t thinking about that at age 29.) the reason I chose to take CPP early and defer SS is that SS payments are higher than CPP Payments. The SS amount I could get today is about 2.5 times the CPP payment I’m getting today. (And the years I worked in the US were my low earning, start of career years.) Thus the deferral makes the eventual SS payment even higher, so that will yield greater total dollars at the end. Also, they will pay spousal benefits to my husband, who never worked in the US. Sure, there are risks. The US system is not as well funded as ours. And they argue more about future eligibility rules and amounts. Yes I could die before collecting any or much of it. But if not, it will be a bigger mitigation of longevity risk than if I had done it the other way around.
Adding: not only is the eventual US payout bigger by deferring Social Security but you would minimize the WEP clawback. If you take SS now, at the lower rate, and defer CPP so it is higher later, the US will reduce SS payments by 50% of the now-higher CPP amount when you start taking it. The clawback is bigger. I cannot see any scenarios where it is better to take SS earlier than CPP
Thank You Nancy for the response. A lot to figure out for sure! I am waiting for my SS Statement. I’m still working at age 61 but want to get all my things figured out. Appreciate the help as a lot of Advisors don’t know about this WEP.
I have never met anyone who regrets taking CPP at age 60. It is a no brainer, its cash in hand for the present, when you are fit enough to actually enjoy spending it, travel, hobbies, etc. They don’t break down retirement into Go Go, Slow Go and No Go years for nothing. The only people who want you to delay is the government and financial advisors so they can either save money off you or make money off you. If you do happen to have a long healthy life and pass our break even point, who cares, you are living, the alternative is to have not reached that point because you are dead. Take the money and enjoy! OAS will kick in at 65 and if you think you have health problems in your future that will require more money in your 70s and 80s then delay OAS until 70. Again I would still take OAS at 65 because the younger you are the more you will enjoy the money.
James, they may not have regretted it, but they may not have done the math, either. Delaying CPP and OAS saves you a LOT in taxes, and gives you a LOT more money over the course of your lifetime. It also helps immensely with estate planning, because if you’ve left a lot in your RRSP/RRIF and die early, as you suggest might happen, when the last spouse passess ALL of this money is taxable as income. This is likely a greater cost to you and your estate than losing out on OAS and survivor CPP.
As far as financial advisors go, you need to look behind the curtain a little bit and learn the differences between different advice models in Canada. Usually, commission-based advisors will agree with you and want you to take CPP at 60. Why is that? Because they collect commissions from you for longer. Do you know why an advice-only/fee-only planner would run the numbers (taking into consideration tax brackets, pensions, RRSP/RRIF/TFSA/Non-registered investment account balances, life expectancy/health concerns) and in the end probably advise you take it at 70? Because that’s what would be better for that person’s situation.
Not all advisors are created equal or work under a sales/commission model.
But Steve, not all of life is math, and yes while the math may say (in a given context) that one will get more overall with a delay…there are too many intangibles that MUST be factored (and cannot) into your tangible math equation. Plus there is NO IMPACT to “you” when you are dead…you are dead. Estate?? Why do people want to kill themselves (figuratively) to leave money behind to those that did not earn it? Don’t we already have enough bratty people in this generation who feel entitled to something they did not earn since the dawn of getting trophies for “showing up”?!
Agree to a point. I am using my RRSP up before I collect CPP and putting any savings into my TFSA which will not effect my CPP or More importantly OAS. I had great difficulty finding an advisor to help with that. They wanted me to get an Annuity!
That sounds like a pretty solid plan, James. Delaying CPP/OAS and drawing down all of your registered investments can help avoid OAS clawback as well. Depending on the couple, they could collect $50-60k guaranteed per year from CPP and OAS the rest of their lives. They could have literally $0 in the bank and live a pretty nice life (Pensions, potential inheritances, TFSAs and non-registered on top of that would help as well).
And yes, I can understand your frustration with finding an advisor to give you the best advice. Advice-only/fee-only planners are less than 1% of all advisors in Canada and we don’t always have the marketing or exposure of the others.
Best of luck.
James, my thinking exactly and has been so for my whole career. Plan to retire early and live !
I took CPP at 60 and put it all in an RRSP every month. I am still working and paying CPP and the last 2 years they have increased the amount I get, I guess as a thank you of sorts. I worked for 40 years but had several out of the work force raising kids and then never made a great deal of money until my last 5 or 6 years. I use the RRSP tax deduction to get a large refund of my federal/provincial tax back and reinvest that as well. I have a large contribution room and plan to retire early in the next 18 months with a defined pension plan I’ve paid into for the past 20 years plus savings and investments from an inheritance. I’m making it all work to further fund my retirement after years of inability to save so I think I made a good move in taking mine early?
Hi Clare ,
I almost gave up looking for an answer to the same question you had but couldn’t find an answer. Did you ever get one? I’m 59 and retired in my early 50’s. I’m happy where I am financually and still put in $1,000 a month in RRSP’s . The plan was to not use my CCP until the age of 65 and if I was still financially good, age 70. But lately I was thinking it would make better sense to collect my CCP at 60 and just keep on re-investing into my RRSP’s . Thought it would be better making interest rather than not..
Thanks for your post James,
I’m still unsure what I should do. I retired from a job with full pension when I was 55 but went right back to work at another job. I’ve been putting money into my RRSP. My husband is also retired and has a disability so isn’t working now. Our house is paid off and I will be turning 60 next year and will qualify for CPP but I’m not sure if that is a good plan yet. I have been reading all the posts here and I’m more confused than ever.
I enjoy my job and don’t have any plans to quit any time soon and the CPP might put me in a higher tax bracket.
I am in a similar situation where my wife and I will have over 15 years of non contribution to Cpp.
However, using the Cpp calculator through CRA and one developed online through a 3rd party. Both seem to still say starting our Cpp later rather than earlier still yield a far better return.
I was wondering what is your opinion on this matter I know you took your Cpp early. But my wife and I were thinking of either taking our Cpp either at 66 or later. Since Cpp is indexed we would gain an additional 8.4% per years or and additional 42% if taken at 70.
Great site, and I agree to wait as long as possible, I am 55 and will retire at 56. I now have 39 years of contribution all at the max or handy to it, I will burn my registered and non registered accounts to receive 50 k to age 60 and take a DB pension at age 60 supplementing it with RRSP and TFSA until I take CPP. Question I have is if a CPP pension is taken at 60 they look at the best 35 years but does it still require 39 years for maximum. One piece not mentioned is if you take CPP and continue to work (as so many do) it is being taxed at the maximum rate.
Those with defined benefit pension plans need to do their math very carefully. Many with defined benefit pension plans have very little RRSP contribution room and have to do much of their retirement saving in a combination of TFSA accounts (which did not exist when I was saving for retirement) and taxable investment accounts. Note that every penny of dividend income in a taxable account gets “grossed up” (i.e., multiplied by 1.38) and it is the grossed up amount that is included as taxable income.
By the time you reach the point of taking Old Age Security, between your “grossed up” retirement income from taxable accounts, your “enhanced” CPP income (from waiting to take CPP), and your defined benefit pension plan, it is very easy to exceed the OAS clawback/recovery tax level, and you end up losing much of the “enhanced” CPP/OAS amounts to the OAS recovery/clawback tax.
As time goes on, if you live a very long life, you can continue to shelter some income through judicious use of a TFSA, but you really need to do the math carefully to ensure that you know whether waiting to take CPP/OAS is, in fact, a good idea when you have a defined benefit pension plan.
Guys, one of the best sites for understanding and calculating your CPP is https://retirehappy.ca/how-to-calculate-your-cpp-retirement-pension/
Doug Runchey is a kind and generous blogger who will, for a small fee, also do your scenario calculations for you. This should be compulsory reading for all.
John, regarding “Question I have is if a CPP pension is taken at 60 they look at the best 35 years but does it still require 39 years for maximum?”
In standard cases, ones ‘contributory period’ starts the month after they turn 18 and runs to earlier of month they opt to take their CPP or month they turn 65 (assuming not working/contributing longer). If full 18-65, this is 564mo or 47y.
The standard CPP calculation drops out the worst 17% of earnings months (other rules for child rearing and other cases). 17%*564=96mo or 8y. This is where the 47-8=39 best years comes from. If your best 39y all beat maximum CPP earnings, then you qualify for maximum CPP at 65, which for 2019 is $1154.50 monthly. http://www.drpensions.ca/cpp-rate-table.html
If you take CPP earlier, then on top of the harmful 0.6% per month decrease from your 65 calculated pension (i.e. 36% if you take at 60), you have to consider the helpful 17% dropouts. So at 60, for example, the contributory period is 504mo or 42y. The dropout is 17%*504=86mo or a bit over 7 worst years. If your best 42-7=35y all beat maximum CPP earnings, then you get the most you can for 60.
If you only contribute to say 60 (or earlier, or some point before 65), by opting to take CPP before 65, you can avoid having to drop extra zero-earning months/years. But no matter, there is NO scenario where taking CPP before 65 is as high as at 65 because of the 0.06% per month early reduction. And it is always 0.07% per month higher yet after 65 to 70.
To quote Doug Runchey, whether or not you have too many low or $0 earning years between 18 and when you opt to take CPP, by waiting to 65 (or beyond), “you get a larger slice of a smaller pie”, but you do get more pie if you wait”.
Apologies, I meant 0.6% and 0.7% per month (not 0.06, 0.07%).
And for those who think they could do better than waiting by investing their early CPP (thus not spending it), you would have to earn better than 12*0.6%=7.2% guaranteed above inflation and fees between 60-65 and 8.4% between 65-70. Remember, CPP is indexed to CPI inflation and the last 5 year average YMPE.
Agree with your return #’s. When you say they are above that of inflation and YMPE are you saying that both are added on top? I noticed that the YMPE will increase each year (looks like based on inflation) which would increase the CPP amount. Are you also saying that CPP is also increased with an inflation amount on top of that?
No, not really. CPP benefit payments are indexed to previous year inflation (as is max CPP amount). YMPE is a 5-year average calculation; each new year’s YMPE is indexed based on average wage increases in the Canadian industrial sector, which is often a bit above inflation. The latter is used in your CPP calculation; the former is applied once you are receiving benefit.
Quote from Doug regarding someone born in November: “…starting your CPP retirement pension in January would result in a higher pension as a result of the higher average YMPE, but starting the pension in December gives you the full yearly CPI increase for the cost-of-living. It’s usually fairly close which gets you the higher net benefit, but there have been a few years when one alternative was clearly better than the other”.
See also http://www.drpensions.ca/cpp-rate-table.html
I marked a question wrong on my application and received a payment end of Oct. 2019..I was wanting to wait until 65 and should have gotten first payment end of Jan. 2020, so 4 months early…I plan to keep working and paying into CPP as long as possible. How will this mistake affect future payments? will they stay the same forever or will they increase over time?
If I take my CPP at age 61, while still working and contributing the maximum until age 65, would the post retirement benefit amount received for contributions between age 61 and 65 equal the amount I would have received had I waited to collect the CPP? I could use the money now, but I don’t want to make a mistake that can’t be corrected. I already know I’m giving up so much by collecting before age 65, but I’m having a hard time understanding the difference between what I’d get if I didn’t collect the CPP retirement benefit before 65 and if I collect now, at 61, keep working, and receive the post retirement benefit on top of any CPP benefit that I would already be receiving.
I am just starting to consider all of this retirement always seemed so far away. After turning 50 it all seems too real. Hey, where did the time go?
Love that you assuage people’s fears that the CPP will be gone by the time they get to their benefits. It’s something we should all be proud of as Canadians. Great article.
No one ever factors in non-contribution years, the assumption being everyone works/contributes until age 65- in my case I had more than 15 years of no CPP contributions due to how I was compensated (dividends from a private corporation and retiring very early ) so delaying CPP would have (in my case) actually resulted in a reduced payment. I took CPP at the earliest opportunity – age 60.
ps. would have preferred not paying CPP premiums in the first place – I would have had a better return – especially since I wa paying both employer’s and employee’s premiums
I am 63 just sold my business last year but i have not payed cpp since 2002 and now live off rrsps investments when is a good time to start for me. I have a statement of contributions that shows estimated benefits of 550.00 if started today 753.00 at 65 and 1069.00 at 70 what are my best options going forward
It’s a good read Robb
I moved to Canada over ten years ago.
Never worked as my sons were working never contributed in CPP. Now I’m sixty, will I get any pension?
Thank you
I believe you will get OAS because you have been here for 10 years
I left my job when I was 55 (as I could back then) I took my CPP at 55 which was about $900 per month and invested it since that time. I am now 71 this year. If you multiply 900 x 12 x 16 = $172,800. I also took my company pension which was $600 x 12 x 16 = $115,200. The rationale is I could die soon after I retire so I decided to play for what I could see. I beg the question would I have know back then that I would live 16 more years after I retire? My advice is taking it and do something meaningful with it.
Most people die 1-5 years after they retire so why wait just to get a few bucks more. I am glad I took my pensions early as over the years I accumulated $403,200 and that is real numbers.
Hi Joan! How did you manage to collect your CPP @ 55 years of age? I don’t understand?
I understand that the combined CPP benefit and survivor benefit cannot exceed the maximum CPP benefit. So if I opt to take CPP at age 65 and receive the full benefit of $1175/month and my spouse dies I wouldn’t receive any additional benefit.
What would happen if I had opted to receive the reduced CPP at age 60 of $752/month and my spouse dies would I then be eligible to receive some of the survivor benefit up to the max of $1175?
I’m a financial “sales person” who quite often tells people to take their CPP later, that I will make up the difference in the meantime and they will get more $$. So there, don’t be so rude. Usually they don’t want to wait regardless so it’s all a moot point, but your smart advice isn’t the only smart advice out there been given.
What’s your thoughts on taken my CPP at 60 which will be $753 and putting it into a spousal RRSP as my wife has no pension and doesn’t work and has only worked a 5-6 years in total, I know that I must stop contributing to the spousal for 24 months or it will be added back onto my income.
Just one more comments on delaying CPP
If a couple that are the same age and have the same contributions to CPP stop working at 65 and are entitled to 50% of the Maximum CPP delay their CPP till 70 The survivor amount is based on 65, nobody gets that intended increase by waiting to 70.
Nobody discloses this, CPP web site certainly does not, they just dangle a carrot you will have so much more money for waiting.
This is a good thread, I hope it can stay online forever to help future Cdians turning age 60, like myself.
The dictohomy of false choices, this either / or choice dilemma…. often the answer maybe somewhere down the middle?
My mother passed away at age 60 of a car accident, 30 years later, we still regret she worked so hard trying to make it and never could enjoy her retirement and hard work. Anything can happen, and sadly sometimes it does.
I feel after working 35 – 40 years like most of us, pay down mortgage, raise kids, budget their U education, family vacations, soccer tournaments , by time I reach 60 I feel tapped out, a little of me time now feels very appropriate.
The Math is about trying to optimizing the CPP payout. But i have seen many people who dont make it to the breakeven age of 74 75. So for me taking early CPP is a hedge against my not making it to age 75. Again life is unpredictable.
I can draw down my taxable pools like RRSP + CPP + future OAS and have decent retirement income to age 90 for myself and spouse. This way I can preserve my tax free pools like savings + tfsa + etc which i can bequeth to my adult children tax free or maybe help them along the way w their own home + pay down some debt + what ever help I can provide …while alive etc.
So taking early CPP is a way of bridging my retirement income now that I am retired. I draw down my taxable pool 1st. Early CPP means I don’t need to draw down from my existing savings, so i can preserve more of my non taxable pool to help my adult children. I rather help them + give them some help money while I am alive and see them enjoy it rather as bequest when i am dead.
So this what I mean between two competing retirement goals, a good retirement for myself after so many years of hard work and effort, and secondly provide some bequest or financial help for my adult children which I feel is a continuing life purpose thing.
Just my to bits.
Hi Tom, thanks for your balanced comments and for sharing your thoughts on when to take CPP.
Have you heard of the availability heuristic or availability bias? It’s a mental shortcut we use to make decisions by recalling some immediate examples that come to mind (i.e. a parent or friend died early). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Availability_heuristic
I hear this argument a lot when it comes to taking CPP early. I get it, but I also think we underestimate the very real possibility that we’ll live a long life. A 60-year old male has a 50% chance of living to age 89, and a 25% chance of living to age 94. Deferring CPP (or at least not taking it earlier than 65) protects against longevity risk.
Great conversations! I will soon be 65 and my current subsidy of a bridge that my pension provides will be gone. Most of my last working years was part time (I retired at 57 to care for senior family members). MY pension will not be enough to live on. I did contribute to RSPs & inherited some. My husband has a good pension & will retire from his ‘other career’ soon as well. We have been Income splitting which has made a difference for him. He contributes much more to the bills. Should I start pulling out some of my investments? —-I did plan on drawing my CCP/ OAS soon
I am currently receiving ODSP I have turned 60 years old I like questions about my Canada pension plan and if it’s worth to apply
I asked this question on another site and did not get an answer, so i will try you. I am 60yrs old and have been working since i was 18. I have never made max. contributions to CCP. My best years were approx. 37k in earnings. I am having difficulty making ends meet and want to collect CCP now. I will be working for as long as I can. How can I calculate what I would receive as a monthly payment.
And what happens as I will continue to make CCP contributions
If you log onto the Service Canada site, you will find a link that will provide the amount
a-if you retire now,
b-if you retire at age 65 and
c- if you retire at age 70.
People seem so hung up on 60 vs. 65 …. my advice is to approach this decision in 6 month chunks. For example 6 months before you reach 60 you should know if you plan to collect at cpp at 60. Then every 6 months re-examine your situation- financial and health . This will remove a lot of stress because we all know life can change at any time .
I like your post Gord….,
I am a healthy 62 year old who receives a CPP Survivors pension. I have been semi-retired now for about 15 years.
I took my CPP pension early at age 60 based on my accountant’s advice that no one knows when we are going to die.
First thing they did was take away $98.00 from my survivor’s pension because my combined pension, with the 36% early drawing penalty, was over the maximum monthly amount allowed.
Many do not know that Revenue Canada allows you six months to change your mind in regards to taking your pension. However, to stop receiving it you must return any pension amounts received in those months.
Within two months of receiving my pension I had done enough research to realize that getting my CPP at age 60 was not good advice in my case.
I contacted Revenue Canada, stopped my CPP payments, and returned the pension money I received for those two months back to them.
Further research now tells me that continuing to work part-time to age 70 and deferring both CPP & OAS benefits are probably my best options as I have no savings, no investments and will only have $375.00 income per month in a company pension plan when I do retire.
I like the idea of an every “Six months review period” to re-run the numbers in the event that my circumstances change.
This is great advice for anyone, working or not, whether receiving pension or not, as it can really be difficult, or even impossible in some cases, to predict the future in 5 to 10 years let alone in 6 months.
Thanks…, Jeannine
Regardless of the amount you are entitled to at the age of 60, if you continue to work and continue to contribute to cpp your benefit will increase by.6 percent per month until the age of 65,if you work until the age of 61 your benefit payment would be 7.2 percent higher than if you take it at 60. You can take it anytime between 60 and 65 and your payment goes up by .6 percent a month for every month past60. You lose.6 percent for every month before the age of 65 but you can apply for benefits at any time after the age of 60
Does the PRB add that % each month? Where did you find this information? I know if you take CPP at 60 and keep working you must contribute to CPP, my questions is, if you do this will you end up with the same amount of benefit at 65?
Very informative and helpful information. Thank you Robb and other contributors. Now at least I feel I have some tangibles to help with decision making.
Good article, a few people at my work are taking it at 60 while still working, I don’t plan to. I went to the retirement seminar and don’t recall hearing that it was based on your best 35 years if you go at 60 instead of the best 39 years at age 65 so maybe I will take it at 60 instead of trying to wait until 69. Definitely something else to consider
One thing you didn’t mention was that women get that 39 years reduced by another 7 years for each child they had (no carry overs)
You are correct in that a woman drops 7 years off of her CPP calculation years for having a child but any cumulative yearly amounts for having subsequent children is based on when she has her children.
Eg: If a woman’s second child is born seven years or more after the first then a total of 14 years are dropped from her CPP calculations. However, if a woman’s second child is born only three years after the first then only 10 years, (7 + 3) is dropped from her CPP calculations. Overlapping years are not combined as 7 years per child but from the age of birth to 7 years old.
Im 59 and was planning on taking my CPP at 60 for the mere fact that I need the money to pay my mortgage payment. My wife is working for another 3 yrs and doesn’t want to sell and downsize till then so for 3 yrs we will be behind the 8 ball so to speak. I need to maximise my income for a few more yrs before we do sell. I do have a few dollars in a LIRA and only ten grand in TFSA so chump change really. Also I am a Debbie downer about life and death so I don’t COUNT on living into my 90s so money up front makes more sense to me. Question , at 65 OAP kicks in , does every Canadian get it or are there hoops to jump?
Just a bit confused on calculation. I’m 60 years old and still working. Should I decide to stop working at 61 and decide to collect CPP at 65, do the years that I am not working from 62-65 have a negative impact on the amount I will collect?
Thank you!
I would like an answer to this question as well , that Paul asked. I am thinking of retiring at 63 or shortly after and using RRSP for an income and not drawing from my CPP until I’m 65, will the 2 years not working and not paying into CPP have a negative impact?
Good question. Wish there had been an answer given to it. I would also like to know.
I would also like to hear that answer to your question Paul.
I do believe that it does have an effect in some way just not sure about it exactly.
I’ve been checking over the past couple years and it appears to me that the amount hasn’t gone any much higher. I’m 64 and retired in March 2022. After reading all the comments on here, I think I should probably start taking my CPP anytime now.
I took my CPP last year just before my 62nd b’day. I am still working and I have work pension which is indexd. I am planning to work till 67 and I wish to continue to contribute to CPP. It’s nice to be getting the extra money now and I will know exactly how much it will be getting when I am 65 and 67.
But I am wondering now if I should pay back and cancel CPP for now and move it until I am 65 or 70. I will have CPP, OAS, Pension, RRSP and rental income at 65 and older.
Please pick this argument apart:
Talking (in para 2) about a “7.2% rate of return” that comes from delaying the benefit is misleading. It’s not actually a “rate of return”, it’s just a 7.2% annual growth in the future benefit (i.e. a benefit of ~$770 if started today, would be ~$1102 if started in 5 years) — which needs to be offset against the return that would come from modestly investing the benefit versus getting nothing while waiting.
For example: If someone starts drawing at 60 instead of 65 (and assuming simple 0% under-the-mattress saving with no other beneficial use of the cash) it’s not until your roughly 77.5 years old before the total benefit paid from waiting 5 years surpasses the early draw.
Clearly, each situation must be evaluated independently. But I’m all for putting that cash to work now rather than waiting >17 years to catch up (potentially much longer if the funds are put to good use).
Most models to determine the optimal point to retire do not take into consideration that if you die most of your contributions are lost if you are single. This is also true if you have a surviving spouse who also has a high CPP, close to the maximum. To really make the models used for comparison more accurate, the cost of a life insurance ( or the cost of laddered strip bonds) to compensate the loss of CPP contribution if you die early. These additional cost would push the break even point by a couple of years. In my case without the life insurance the break even point is around 76 years. with life insurance is 79 ( comparing retirement at 60 and 65)
I am not sure if I should still consider taking my CPP or start collecting it. I am a healthy 67 years old and still generating income of $70.00 as a self-employed. As self-employed I have paid about $5,000 towards CPP in 2021. This seems high to me.
Do you have any suggestions if I can continue to delay my CPP or start collecting it?
Thank you!
My question or comment is similar to the person above. I am self employed, 66 years old and contributed $4,000 to CPP in 2021. I had a company for a while and took dividends so paid no CPP some years. If I took CPP I would get only about $650 per month/$7,800 yr.
Here is my dilemma or actually frustration. My account(might need a new one) said I could stop paying CPP at 66. True,, however what I am now finding out is you cannot opt out of CPP unless you are collecting it. This seems crazy to me. What is the sense of delaying so you get more at 70 if you are still paying into it. So if the numbers stay the same, next year I pay $4000 CPP and collect $7,800. Actually I will pay more CPP as I will have to claim the $7,800.
Is this accurate?
Thank you!
PS Think I am going to hire you privately for planning for my wife and I.
Hi, I’m wondering if I can collect CPP at age 60 (next year) and still work full time? Also, can I still make RRSP contributions? I can seem to find the right answers. Thanks.
You can do both. As long as you have employment income and/or available RRSP contribution room, you can make RRSP contribution. You can still work full time at 60 and collect CPP, just be prepared for the tax hit when your CPP “income” is added to your working income. It could push you into another tax bracket.
I am just turning 60 and have been getting a pension through the military. Will my pension through the military or my CPP be reduced to match so net effect is zero increase?
Hi, I have asked a dozen or more people at Service Canada over the past 5 years? I get no place and am VERY worried about when I turn 65? I am 58 now and was hurt when I was 29 on a construction site leaving me disabled!! I collect WSIB now have been since accident and also CPP medical since around 10 yrs after my accident? My tax lady set it all up and I receive $633 a Month on top of my WSIB? What I can NEVER get a straight answer from any Government employee except “ boy I wish I made $1100 a week from both pensions to stay at home and not have to go to work “ Yeah the Darn Wheelchair and all the benefits of being disabled are worth $4,000 a Month “!!! I really can’t believe the way people think ? I would give up it ALL to be able to walk 10 feet without falling on my face OR the 4 spinal fusions I had !! They were worth staying home? I could go on like being married to the GREATEST Woman alive for 34 yrs but NOT being able to even sleep in the same bed with her due to this disability ?? I’m VERY Sorry I just want people to know that CPP medical is like a drivers license it’s a privilege NOT mandatory for everyone? So those needing it go for it!!! Those that have to wait till age 60?? Then be patient it will come!! What I just need to know is I’ve been told when I turn 65 my WSIB pension will turn into a LIRA PENSION which I’m told is the money they put in my pension every month towards my pension?? Will I still collect CPP ? Or because I didn’t contribute Anything in years it will end ?? Thank You SO MUCH for an answer? Mike
I will be turning 62 shortly. I have been on disability for 20 years. My understanding was that if I applied for CPP at age 60 my disability would be cancelled out. I’m not sure if that was accurate or not can someone please weigh in.
Is there a benefit if I was to retire 7 months before my 65th birthday. Would I lose a lot of money?
If you contribute the maximum to CPP throughout your working career, you will have contributed about $200,000 (in present day dollars) to the plan and your employer will have matched it so you would have a “retirement plan” worth approximately $400,000. I yo are self employed, you will have footed the entire $400,000 contribution… With a maximum of about $15,000 per annum of a pension, it would take 26 years to get your money back with NO return on investment. If you die before age 91, your estate will receive $2,500, and what has not been paid of your $400,000 stays with the fund, unless thee is a surviving spouse who would receive up to 60% of whatever you were receiving. If you wait until age 70, you will have foregone receipt of $75,000 in exchange for an increase of 35% of $15,000 or $5,250 per year. To recover this forgone income will take 14.28 years or to your age 84.28.
I would suggest that given that 1/2 the population do not live to be 85, and that when one considers that the likelihood of ever getting your contributions to CPP to CPP back as a pension is attained by less than 1/2 of the population, taking CPP as early as possible makes the most financial sense…
I’m in a different situation. I started drawing social security in January only because of the WIF. If I decided to retire I could live off of social security. Once you start drawing two pensions social security gets decreased. My intent is to draw CPP when I am 70 so that my social security is not decreased (at least for the next few years). I continue working part time (enjoy my work) and have a sizeable 401 which I will have to start withdrawing from at age 72 (there is a bill increasing this age to 75 which I am all for). I plan on living till I am 95 or so and my fear is not having enough during my final years. I would like the maximum age of 70 for CPP raised to 75 (with incentives). My belief is there should be a motion/bill introduced in the House of Commons. Thoughts? Thanks, Kevin
I am 57 and plan to retire when I am 60. I just have a question that doesn’t seem to have come up in this thread. Please forgive me, if it has…. there are A LOT of posts to read through!
Simple question (maybe)…
I keep hearing (everywhere) about taking your CPP at age 60, 65 or 70. The longer you wait, the more you receive.
Is there only a ‘value’ increase every five years? Example…
(actual dollar numbers are just for the example)
Let’s say that I start taking CPP at age 60 and get $500 per month.
If I wait until age 65, I will get $1000 per month.
Is there an ‘in-between’ amount?
What if I wait one year before I take it (at age 61)? Would I get $600 per month?
What if I wait two years before I take it (at age 62)? Would I get $700 per month?
You see where I’m going with this…
I just turned 59 and earn a very low income running a self employed business (around $24K gross per year before expenses and taxes).
I’ll definitely qualify for GIS at 65 because I have hardly anything in the way of investments either, except for a little in my TFSA ($25K in GICs plus around $1,500 now in an index fund that’s being added to monthly).
Anyway, in my case it seems to make sense to take CPP early and throw maybe $200 a month of it into my TFSA index fund every month for 5 years (it’s only estimated to be around $265 a month at 60). From what I can see, it doesn’t seem like my income at 65 will really change whether I wait until then or take it early (because of GIS). If I take it at 60 at least I’ll be able to put an extra $12K more into my TFSA plus interest over those 5 years. As far as taxes go, my income is super low already and $3K a year in CPP won’t make much of a difference from what I can see.
Am I missing something?
This is about quality of life … here we are all trying to “optimize” money and cpp so we can get the most or best or squeeze as many pennies out of the system as we can … unfortunately we dont know when our time is up … really half of us will be sooner then the so called break even point of age 74 75 … then there is the will we be in the same healthy years at age 78 + that u would even consider still world travelling or will we re – consider travelling anywhere given we may have health risks … does anyone know how much emergency medical travel insurance can be especially if u already have a pre existing condition? I took early cpp at age 60 and now i am age 63 … looking back i have no regrets … i rather collect now and use the money to pay for living expenses. I can see someone who loves their work still making good money and still wants to work to age 70 and so dont want to collect CPP which would push them into > 50% tax bracket anyways and is still strong and healthy that he / she gladly will delay CPP to age 70 under these scenarios. That seems to be a perfect work life situation that mostly dont apply to us average folks … i think the usual rhetoric … enjoy it while u can … u cannot take the $$$ with u … dont be the richest person at the cemetary … if u cannot enjoy the $$$ then give it away to someone or somebody who can … enjoy life while u are healthy to do so … budget for everything u think u will need … but in case Plan A doesnt work out make sure u spend it all … u cannot enjoy it when u are gone … then give it to someone u care about who can …
Tim, it’s not correct to claim that half of us won’t make it to 75.
If you’re already age 65, you have a 90+ percent chance of living to age 75.
“In the case of a couple who are both aged 65, the husband has a 40% chance of living until 90, while his wife has a 50% chance of doing the same. The chances that at least one of them will live until 90 is higher again, at 70%.
If you have some savings, you’re almost certainly better off deferring CPP while spending down that savings. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but your enhanced CPP is guaranteed, paid for life, and indexed to inflation.
I always hear the argument about taking CPP and spending the money now – but the argument to defer CPP until later isn’t about delaying your spending. Go ahead and travel, live your life – just do it by spending down your own savings first before taking CPP.
There are good reasons to take your CPP early, but doing it just to spend the money (or to invest it) is not usually a wise decision.
Here is an example of a plan to maximize GIS in the presence of a CPP starting at age 60, which may suit individuals who expect to have a low income from age 65 going forward:
1. Starting CPP at the age of 60.
2. Stop working at age 60 (or 61 at the latest).
3. Winding down RRSP BEFORE the age of 64 by doing some 3 annual equal withdrawals (but not closing the RRSP account, as it will be needed in item no. 5 below).
4. Selling all capital gains and dividends producing securities in the non-registered investment account BEFORE the age of 64. If some of those securities are in a loss position, then some of the resulting capital gains will be offset by net capital losses, so that the effect of all of those dispositions on my T1 line 23600 will be the least possible. Channel the proceeds of those dispositions to the TFSA account, to the maximum extent of available contribution room.
5. Making strategic RRSP contributions between the ages of 64 and 71 to reduce line 23600 (taxable net income) to the total of: OAS annual total plus the first $5,000 of employment or self-employment income and 50% of the next $10,000 (this would provide the maximum GIS benefit the following year).
6. Making a very few (likely 1, 2 or 3) RRSP large strategic withdrawals at age 72, to draw down all the RRSP. Possibly having to spread these withdrawals over 1, 2 or 3 years to avoid OAS clawback (but unlikely in my earnings’ level). This may cause loss of GIS for 12 months (likely no more) because of that, but it’s worthwhile, as this will help avoid the minimum RRIF withdrawals that otherwise would impact the GIS going forward for (many) years. The proceeds of these RRSP withdrawals would go to TFSA, if there is TFSA contribution room available (otherwise, they will go to the (non-registered) investments account or even kept in a checking account, to avoid earning “unwanted” income on them, to avoid negative effect on the GIS entitlement calculation).
7. Requesting the CRA that the GIS benefits in the first year of entitlement would be based on this year’s estimated taxable income (rather than the prior year’s taxable income). In my case, though, since I will stop working at age 60 or 61, it will not matter much whether the government decide on my GIS entitlement based on the previous year’s T1 (age 64) or the current year’s T1 (age 65), since my income will be very low in both these years 🙂 .
Important Note re: the period of after age 72:
Even if after age 72 my CPP will trigger some GIS clawback, then if at the same time I sell some securities that generate capital gains (i.e.,even without offsetting net capital losses) and/or if I have dividend income, then I will nevertheless likely not pay any tax on them, because of the combination of the basic personal tax credit and the age amount tax credit (over 65) [mentioned on the first page in this document].
This is under the assumption I make sure to not generate capital gains / dividends at a level that will trigger a higher tax than the above mentioned total of the basic personal tax credit and the age tax credit (over 65) [i.e., the goal is to have all that additional investment income trigger a tax amount that is equal / less than the combined basic personal tax credit and age amount tax credit (over 65).
So, in such a situation my “tax free take home income” will be the same, despite the partial GIS clawback.
There is a possibility that I will not be able to apply the above tactic in each and every year after age 72, and so in years in which I cannot do so, I will nevertheless suffer the consequences of that partial GIS clawback.
Just to recap my above long comment 🙂 :
The idea is to maximize the monthly GIS payment from the government, which is a tax free benefit (!) and in order to do so you must not have a high monthly CPP payment from the government, which is a taxable benefit. You see, the higher the CPP you get (which is taxable), the lower the tax free GIS you’ll be entitled to.
That is why, for people who expect to have a low retirement income, from age 65 onwards, it makes sense to start collecting the lower CPP monthly payment from the government at age 60 so that, in return, they will be able to collect a higher, tax free, GIS monthly payment from the government, from age 65 onwards.
I just turned 60 and considering taking CPP due to some health issues as life is not certain
I do not have much savings or RRSP
Can I still work while collecting CPP?
Will my pay cheque amount reduced ?
Or will I lose my work benefits like dental?
Since the CPP is a taxable income would this put me in a higher tax bracket ? and would I have to pay more taxes ?
Btw my yearly income is little over 50,000 which Inc bonuses
Hello, I’m looking for some information on whether or not to take my CPP at 62, 65 or 70 based upon the following.
My wife and I retired at 55 which mean no additional contribution to our Cpp following age 55. Our intentions are to defer collecting our CPP until 65 or 70 because we have a government defined benefit and RRSP to compensate for any shortfall in income.
My wife retired before I did and I retired a year later. I deferred my own government defined pension until 60 based on our financial situation melting down our Rrsp and penion splitting. We have been retired for 5 and 6 years respectively and have done very well surviving on one pension. Because we planned out our retirement paying off all debts outright including paying off our home 20 years before our retirement.
We do not need our Cpp to survive and there is no expectation of a shortened life span. But we also want to optimize the level at which we should take our Cpp to benefit from the work we have put into trying to get the optimum level from our Cpp.
Despite having over 15 years of non contributory years of zero. We keep hearing that the 42% increase in Cpp benefit if we wait until 70 would make up for and more the reduction we will have because of the non contributory years that will eventually be used in the final Cpp calculations. The simple fact that we will have several non contributory years included in our Cpp calculations.
Despite having the 17% dropout rule in place which would give us 8 non contributory years dropped from the calculation.
We would still have 7 non contributory years used in both our calculations if we wait until 69-70 to collect our Cpp .
I am just looking to know that despite not needing our Cpp should we take it earlier, let say 63 or later such as 66 or 70. Because we have also seen that 65 is not the optimal time to take our Cpp either despite being based upon starting our Cpp at age 65.
What do you think?
As we all know the decision as to when to take our Cpp is also an emotional decision. But I am very strategic about how I go about everything I do which is why I am looking everywhere I can to get as much information to based our decision on when to take our Cpp.
I have even used the government site to get our statements of contributions but this only served to add to my dilemma. Simply because the CRA site assumes from the contrubution that we have made will continue to be contributed until we collect our CPP which is an incorrect assumption.
Sinr we have been retired at age 55.
Thank you in advance for any assistance you might be able to provide.
VERY interesting that I should come across this article at aged 59 (turning 60 in FEB.25). I started back in the work force later in life & the past 5 yrs I have been making more $ than I had expected at this age. However, I had a bad car accident, than COVID hit right afterwards, so my income took some hits. Now, with the whole Paranoid mentality upper MGMT has with WFH scenario & the recent merger of our company within a larger one whose ‘benefits’ aren’t as gracious (managed to accumulate $30k into my DCPP in approx 3 yrs before the merger, but our new company contributions are nothing like before & I’m thinking to just reinvest it in my disabled sons DRSP for a decent income stream for when I’m gone), I’m really starting to put alot of thought into WHEN its best for me to retire. Good news is even IF I take early retirement, there is the GIS until I qualify for my OAS. At the end of the day, I’m realizing that just like I do for my customers everyday at work, it’s best to ‘crunch’ the #’s to figure out what’s best for ME. While my goal is to keep working for 10 more years, if I reach my goal 2b mortgage free sooner, I’ll definitely be looking at retiring sooner! Thanks for helping those of us who are close to 60 to realize we DO have options!
I’m 60.5 and am looking at CPP now or waiting until 65 and weighing the options. I currently am only earning self employment earnings of $1000/month that I am not paying CPP on. Although I had many high earning years after staying home a few years to raise children, I have been on and off work since covid ( a year on and a year off). The estimate for me at 60 for CPP is $675 and at 65 $1013. If I have low income and low CPP for the next 4th time years because i only work part-time, self employed or take temp positions with time off in between, I suspect the $1013 estimate will be lower. Is there a way of getting a more accurate estimate? Is it based on earning the same higher page for next 5 years? My husband is on CPP disability and disability insurance until 65 in 3 years for him and then will only have low CPP and GIS/OAS. I should also qualify for GIS/OAS at 65. Is there an advisor that can give me free or low cost advice. Due to my husband’s disability for past 10 years we do not have any savings or investments only decent whole life insurance.
I’m 62, worked 2 jobs most of my life to make ends meet. I have many health issues. Fibromyalgia, possibility of hip/knee replacement, have 3 compression fractures in my back (not work related). And been injured on my 2nd job twice now which is very physical. If I go for CPP now can I still work at my main job, (desk work, Administration Assistant)?