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Weekend Reading: 7 Years Of Blogging Edition

We started this personal finance blog seven years ago – on August 10, 2010 to be precise. Blog years are like dog years, and seven years is an incredible amount of time to be blogging. We’re still going strong, and that’s in no small part thanks to you, our readers, for continuing to follow along on this journey.

These pages have been viewed more than 5 million times. We have 10,000+ active subscribers, 9,450 followers on Twitter, and 4,900 Facebook fans. What an amazing community of supporters!

Thanks for all your questions, comments, emails, and shares over the years. They keep us motivated to continue writing new content, breaking down complex financial jargon into plain language that anyone can understand, and sharing our philosophy on money and investing.

Here’s to another seven years of blogging!

Seven Years Of Blogging Edition

This Week’s Recap:

On Monday, in another celebratory post of sorts, I shared 38 thoughts on turning 38.

On Wednesday Marie explained Old Age Security (OAS) – who’s eligible and when, how much you can expect to receive, and how to apply.

And on Friday Marie asks, can you really afford that mortgage?

Weekend Reading:

People selling for multi-level-marketing schemes like Herbalife, Pampered Chef, Rodan + Fields, and LuLaRoe can be plunged into debt and psychological crisis:

“According to a report that studied the business models of 350 MLMs, 99% of people who join multilevel-marketing companies lose money. Depending on how you look at it, it’s either a brilliant business model or a predatory practice—or a little bit of both.”

Six financial experts dish the dirt on what they’d do with a $10,000 windfall.

Perhaps the best “we’re married now, should we combine our finances” post I’ve ever read.

Where are the customers’ yachts? Seized by Goldman Sachs, apparently:

Robo-advisor Wealthsimple touts ‘tax-loss harvesting’ as one of the benefits it provides for its clients. Dave Nugent explains what exactly tax-loss harvesting means.

As you get closer to retirement age some people re-examine their goals and decide to move-up their retirement date. Here are some important strategies to consider.

Jonathan Chevreau with the secret to paying less tax in retirement.

This NPR interview looks back on the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, which began 10 years ago.

More and more seniors are retiring with debt and Ottawa has called in experts to come up with solutions to this growing problem.

Jason Heath answers a reader question about gifting an RRIF to your children.

Here’s how to identify your retirement plan’s strengths and weaknesses.

I’ve written before about the benefits of delaying CPP. Here’s why women (especially) should delay receiving their Canada Pension Plan benefits as long as possible.

Budget queen Gail Vaz Oxlade on why a good budget includes pleasure with pain:

“As long as you’re not going into debt, and you’ve got all your bases covered – including long-term savings, your emergency fund, your insurance needs – you can spend your money on anything you want. Want to travel? Go. Want to drink expensive coffee? Do it. Want to buy a new sumthin’ or ’nother? Go ahead.”

Just 10 percent of hosts account for a majority of the revenue and the nights booked on Airbnb consistently in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal.

Finally, Disney and CBS are launching their own standalone streaming services soon. Is streaming the new cable? That’s unlikely, says tech expert Peter Nowak.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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