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Weekend Reading: End Of Summer Edition

Our kids go back to school next week and so this officially marks the last weekend of summer for parents. We’re very excited to have a brand new elementary school open this year right down the street from us, which means no more early mornings waiting for the bus. Our oldest enters grade three this year while our youngest will start kindergarten.

We’re also excited to ramp-up our blogging activity this fall and looking forward to some new opportunities which I will share in the coming weeks. Look for more writing, both here and on Rewards Cards Canada, plus monthly features on the PC Financial blog and the Toronto Star. We might even throw in a live appearance or two, plus try our hand at some podcasting and video content.

As always, thanks for following our financial journey.

End of Summer

This Week’s Recap:

On Monday I shared expert tips on the best way to redeem Aeroplan miles for flight rewards.

On Wednesday Marie explained why banks are dropping the ball when it comes to children’s banking options.

Many thanks to Rob Carrick for highlighting my comparison piece on kids’ birthday parties in his latest Carrick on Money newsletter.

Weekend Reading:

Worried about the stock market? Steadyhand’s Tom Bradley explains how to reduce your risk in a downturn by adjusting your asset mix.

Jonathan Chevreau shares the secret to paying less tax in retirement.

Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway has officially profited $13 billion on its Bank of America investment made during the financial crisis after exercising warrants to buy 700 million shares.

4 ways to profit from the activities and interests you love so you can turn your passions into more retirement income.

One of the best pieces of investment advice is to ignore the financial news media, which exists to stir emotions and serve its advertisers:

“You’d be amazed at how many people believe Jim Cramer has the ability to pick “hot” stocks and pundits predicting doom and gloom can foretell the direction of the market.

You and I know it’s nonsense, buy hey, it pays the rent and keeps us in business.”

I’m seeing more and more of this in the news lately: Aging parents with lots of stuff, and children who don’t want it.

Car ownership costs us $9,000 per vehicle, per year, according to a report from the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA). The biggest cost of ownership, and most overlooked, is depreciation.

Squawkfox blogger Kerry Taylor shares creative ways for workers to save $2,940 a year on lunch.

Tangerine Bank’s Joe Snyder answers a reader question about spousal RSPs. We share the same opinion on the topic, which boils down to:

“If you’re planning on retiring before age 65, with one income significantly higher than the other, then a Spousal RSP makes sense. If you’re not, it likely doesn’t.”

What do you think of when you hear ‘small business’? Michael James weighs-in on the new tax proposal on private corporations and the difference between a mom & pop small business and incorporated professionals such as doctors, lawyers, and accountants.

Finally, Morgan Housel is one of the best financial writers in the business. The former Motley Fool writer shares how he overcame his lifelong speech disorder and spoke for the first time at an investing conference. Way to go, Morgan!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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