VBAL vs. Mawer Balanced Fund For One-Stop Investing

VBAL vs. Mawer Balanced Fund For One-Stop Investing

Investors could have done a lot worse over the past 30 years than investing in the Mawer Balanced Fund. Mawer, which epitomizes the art of boring investing, has been nothing short of consistently brilliant – with annual returns of 8.5 percent since the fund’s inception in 1988. Investment giant Vanguard doesn’t have the same longevity…

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Weekend Reading: FIRE In Moderation Edition

Weekend Reading: FIRE In Moderation Edition

I write a lot about seeking financial independence rather than early retirement. That’s intentional. I don’t necessarily want to retire – not anytime soon – but what fires me up is the idea of working on my own terms. My goal is to be financially free by age 45. That means I’d be free to…

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